Friday, August 9, 2019

Kimball Library News 8/5/19

The Savvy Caregiver program is a 6 week training program for caregivers who care for someone with Alzheimer's or Related Dementias. The program is facilitated by trained Practitioners. It is based on the notion that family members who become caregivers need to be trained to assume a new role- caregiving- for which they are unprepared and untrained. Throughout the program- and laced through the various program materials such as the Caregiver's Manual- the central concept that is emphasized is the notion of strategy. Caregivers will be urged to learn, develop and modify their strategies so they can accomplish their role of caregiving- which includes the contented involvement of the person they care for. The program builds information and knowledge about the illness, developing skills to manage daily life, and fosters a different attitude towards caregiving. The program is geared to informal caregivers of those either living at home or planning to return home, and in a moderate stage of illness.

Register to attend. This program runs for 6 weeks (September 12-October 17 on Thursdays from 1:00 – 3:00 PM) and we ask that participants commit to attending all 6 week sessions. The program as indicated is for active and formal caregivers and not for professionals seeking certification and license requirements. A minimum number is required to run this program. If you are placed on a wait list, you will be notified if an opening becomes available. We will also alert you to additional Savvy Caregiver Programs coming to Kimball Library.

For questions, please contact: Jinelle Hobson, Options Counselor, Rockingham County ServiceLink at (603)893-9769 or Lois Powers, Technical Services/Adult Services, Kimball Library at 603-263-5234.

IN-HOUSE IPADS to LOAN:  Read online magazines in the comfort of the library!  Through the generous donation from the Atkinson Women's Civic Club, Kimball Library was able to purchase an iPad (6th Generation).  This iPad will be available at the main circulation desk for the purpose of instructing patrons how to download materials from overdrive and hoopla as well as browse digital magazines in the overdrive collection.  A digital magazine can be checked out without impacting how many eBooks or audiobooks you can borrow from overdrive.

The iPad is free to borrow in-house only, to Kimball Library adult patrons, whose accounts are in good standing.  A Kimball Library card must be presented to gain access to this device.

As a friendly reminder, we also have iPads for inhouse use in the Youth Department.  These iPads have sturdy covers and are loaded with early educational apps.  All the games are child-friendly.  These iPads also are loaned to Kimball Library adult patrons, whose accounts are in good standing.  A Kimball Library card must be presented to gain access to this device.

COOL STUFF TO BORROW: ♫♫♫Look at this stuff Isn't it neat? Wouldn't ya think our collection's complete? Wouldn't ya think we're the library Who has everything? Look at this trove, treasures untold How many wonders can one cavern hold? Lookin' around here you'd think Sure, they've got everything..♫♫♫ (Adapted from 'The Little Mermaid')

Search the catalog or call us if any of these items catch your eye… croquet set, bocce ball set, night vision binoculars, ukuleles, Kidszoom cameras, backpacks filled with maps and gear, snowshoes (hey, it’s New England so you never know!), HotSpots, planisphere, Kindles chock-full of preloaded titles, Kill-O-Watt meter, and a telescope.  And this is not an exhaustive list! 
Don't you just love it here? 😊

MORE INFO: Go to to register for events or use the data bases. You may also call us Monday-Friday from 10-8 and on Saturday from 10-3 at 603.362.5234 to register with a ‘human’. Miss a news article?  Go to to read each and every one!

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