Thursday, February 20, 2020

Kimball Library News 2/17/2020

Join us for some or all of the following events in March!

ALICE’S ORDINARY PEOPLE WITH FILMMAKER CRAIG DUDNICK: Alice's Ordinary People is a documentary DVD about Alice Tregay – a woman who refused to stand still for injustice and brought others together to change what was. Her remarkable story spans the historic period from the marches of Dr. King to the election of Barack Obama; her great contribution in the field of politics is the thread which connects the two.  Please register and join us on Thursday, March 5, at 6:30 PM for this inspiring film.

A more thorough description and schedule of programs is offered at under the tabs Alice's Ordinary People and Events.  This documentary event is sponsored by the Friends of Kimball Library.

Filmmaker, Craig Dudnick is a 1980 graduate of Northwestern University. In 1982, he received a national award for his camerawork on the syndicated television program, PM Magazine. The following year, he founded Imagine Video Productions®, eventually gaining clients from Europe, Japan, and at ABC News. While an undergraduate at Northwestern, Craig grew close to Mrs. Viola Hillsman and her husband Tinsley. His lifelong friendship with the couple was the subject of a feature on the NPR radio program, 'The Story with Dick Gordon.”

After Mrs. Hillsman passed away at age 100, a number of her friends shared personal accounts of their struggles against racism in Evanston, Illinois, which became the basis of Craig’s documentary, Evanston’s Living History.

Fellow Evanstonian Alice Tregay liked the film and asked Craig to make a second documentary--this one about the Chicago Freedom Movement. The result was Alice’s Ordinary People.

CODING JAM: FINALLY, for grades 3-5! Future engineers in grades 3-5 are invited to try out hands on coding with Gail Ramsay (Code & Circuit, Amesbury) and Kathy Watson (Kimball Library) with coding with OSMO including Coding with Awbie, Coding Duo and Coding Jam.

Class will take place at the library on Tuesdays from 3:30 to 4:30 from March 10 to April 21. Children may take the bus from Atkinson Academy to the library if parents make arrangements with pick-up patrol. (The library is not taking responsibility for the transportation, we are only letting you know that there is a bus (126) that stops here at approximately 3:18 PM.) Please pack them a snack that they can have before 3:30. Children usually arrive hungry and eager!

The class size is limited to 8 students, and we request that you register in person at the Youth Services Desk. The 7-week program costs $40, and registration is only complete when payment is made.  (Registration for non-residents is limited to 3 days before class starts with different fee structure.) Classes can only be offered intermittently, so take advantage when your children’s age group arises.

STARK DECENCY-NH’S WWII GERMAN POW CAMP: During World War II, 300 German prisoners of war were held at Camp Stark near the village of Stark in New Hampshire's North Country. Allen Koop reveals the history of this camp, which tells us much about our country's war experience and about our state.

Presenter:  Allen Koop earned a PhD from the University of Pennsylvania. He currently teaches European and American history at Dartmouth College and has published books and articles on New Hampshire and American history including Stark Decency: German Prisoners of War in a New England Village.

This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Kimball Library and a grant through the New Hampshire Humanities and is free and open to the public. Please register to attend this program taking place on Thursday, March 12 at 6:30 PM.

MORE INFO: Go to to register for events on the ‘calendar icon’ or use the data bases. You may also call us Monday-Friday from 10-8 and on Saturday from 10-3 at 603.362.5234 to register with a ‘human’. Miss a news article?  Go to to read each and every one!

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