Thursday, August 23, 2018

Kimball Library News 8/13/18

Fall preschool story times are now available for registration.  Each class does have an age range and a registration requirement.  You may connect your children with a class either online, in person, or over the phone. In most cases, once registered, you are on our list for the duration of the school year. If you have any questions, please ask to speak to someone in the Youth Department.

On Mondays we are offering Mother Goose on the Loose at 10:30 AM. Infants through age 2+ with their caregivers are invited to join us for simple stories, rhymes, finger plays, and songs modeling after the Mother Goose curriculum. Class is roughly 35 minutes long. All ages are welcome to stay after the session to allow for playtime and socializing for as little or as long as you like.

On Tuesdays we offer Bitty Books at 10:15 AM for those in the 2-3 year range for itty bitty stories, rhymes, finger plays or songs, and a simple craft.  This is geared for those who have ‘graduated’ Mother Goose and are ready for a more classic story time.

We also offer Kiddie Lit at 11:30 AM on Tuesdays for slightly older children ages 3-6.  Crafts, music, new friends and adventures into literacy are found during these classes. Caretakers may stay and listen or relax in another part of the library if the children do well without your presence.

On Thursdays there is opportunity for Sensory Story Time at 10:15 AM.  Ages 2-3 may join us for a story and a chance to engage their tactile senses with a sensory activity like play dough. This is a great opportunity to have toddlers and preschoolers practice sitting and listening for a small amount of time. A teacher led story is followed by a child-directed exploration of the hands-on sensory stations.

Also on Thursdays we offer Discovering S.T.E.A.M. (science, technology, engineering, art, math) for youth ages 3-6 in distinct 6 week sessions.  Engaging stations will allow children to discover and learn at their own pace and interest level. We'll come together at the end of class for a structured story or activity that fits into the theme. At each class, we'll hit on one of the elements of science, technology, engineering with mathematics and art activities that build on that concept each session. Watch your child's brain and interest in exploring get ignited as they discover S.T.E.A.M.!

Round out your week on Fridays with Kiddie Lit that is offered at 10:15 or at 11:30 AM for ages 3-6. Those two sessions are identical and are offered to help with hectic scheduling.  It’s not uncommon for children enrolled in half-day kindergarten to come right before school or right after.  These classes combine stories, crafts, games, and hands-on activities for well-rounded learning.

Note that Kiddie Lit offered on Tuesdays has a different teacher than Kittie Lit on Friday. If classes are not overfull your child may participate in multiple sessions of Kiddie Lit and/or may overlap other classes if they fall in the correct age range.  Classes for ages 3+ generally run around 45 minutes. Get in, read often, and have fun with us as much as you like!

ALICE MEETS THE FLOWERS - FIRST CHOICE NATURE PLANTS (ATKINSON GARDEN CLUB): Steven Lewis, member of the AGC will present information on the benefits of using native plants in the landscape. The public is welcome on Wednesday, September 5th.  Refreshments will be served at 6:00 PM.  The presentation and meeting will follow.

TWEEN BOOK DISCUSSION: Kick off the fall with us!  We generally meet the first Wednesday of the month at 6:30 for grades 5-7.  The book of the month is ‘Double Identity’ by Margaret Peterson Haddix.

“So my only protection is a kindergarten teacher and a ninety-eight-pound female minister....And they don't even believe I'm in danger…”  Our discussion will focus on this book, random other topics, and the kind of candy that’s being served that night.  (Wink, wink!) Please ask for a copy of the current book at the front desk.

Register once and we'll keep your name on until June. Non-resident friends are welcome.

HOLIDAY CLOSING: We are closed for two full weekends per year.  Coming up we will be closed on Labor Day weekend (Saturday, September 1 — Monday, September 3).  Any two day loans taken on Thursday (Aug 30th) or Friday (Aug 31st) won’t be due back until Tuesday (Sep 4th). STOCK UP and have a safe and happy holiday weekend.

MORE INFO: Go to to register for events or use the data bases. You may also call us Monday-Friday from 10-8 and on Saturday from 10-3 at 603.362.5234 to register with a ‘human’.

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