Friday, August 9, 2019

Kimball Library News 8/12/19

Tech THIS out! If you have an e-reader or gadget that you want to learn how to use with free downloadable books, then we can help you. You can have a brief lesson here called 'Turn it On!' with your tech toy (Kindle, iPad, iPod, cell phone or other device compatible with Overdrive/Libby App) and learn how to put a free library e-book or audiobook on it. This is a basic tutorial for newbies. Are you looking for some place to get help and to learn more about your device(s)? Get troubleshooting assistance, learn how to use your device(s), and discover the latest library apps, news, and online services!
Please register for an appointment on the online calendar. Do you have questions regarding what you should bring? Ask for Kathy Watson at (603) 362-5234. (These tutorials are for resident card holders in good standing only, please.)

Brief tutorials are also available for basic computer instructions such as setting up email, social media, etc. When you register for a lesson please indicate your need.  If you can't find an available slot on the online calendar that suits you then email and Kathy will give you a unique appointment time.

PRESCHOOL STORY TIMES: Preschool story times for the academic school year start up the week after Labor Day.  Please check out the offerings below.  Each requires registration that can be completed on the online calendar or by calling us.  These are weekly sessions. Once registered, participants are signed up for remainder of the school year. Please check the calendar for cancellations due to holidays and other events. Please send us an email or call if you cannot attend. This will help us with our preparation. Thank you!

MOTHER GOOSE ON THE LOOSE: Infants through age 3 with their caregivers are invited to join us for simple stories, rhymes, finger plays, and songs modeling after the Mother Goose curriculum. Please feel welcome to stay after the session to allow for playtime and socializing for all ages.  Most of the children and parents find friends here that extend beyond the library. (Mondays @10:30 AM)

BITTY BOOKS: Children ages 2-3+ with their caregivers are invited to join us for itty bitty stories, rhymes, finger plays or songs, and a simple craft.  This is a traditional story time with some sitting in chairs expectations as well as crafts and movement activities. (Tuesdays @10:15 AM)

SENSORY STORYTIME: Join us for a story and a chance to engage your tactile senses with a sensory activity like play dough. A great opportunity to have toddlers and young preschoolers practice sitting and listening for a small amount of time. Teacher led story, child-directed exploration of the hands-on sensory stations.

Please register children ages 2-3. Because the focus is building up our listening and focusing skills, we will ask adults to help us keep participants sitting and listening to the story. They will all be rewarded by the freedom to explore the activities right after!   We look forward to getting our hands sticky and gooey with you. (Thursdays @10:30 AM)

KIDDIE LIT: Crafts, music, new friends and adventures into literacy are found during these classes. Caretakers may stay and listen or relax in another part of the library.  These story times are great for preschool and kindergarten ages.  Children should be at least 3 years of age.  We have 3 different offerings with 2 different days, so you may choose to send children to both Tuesdays and Fridays. (Tuesdays @11:30 AM, Fridays @10:15 or 11:30 AM)

SKETCHBOOK & ART: Join us for a sketching & painting meetup on Fridays from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Group members choose their own medium to bring including: sketch pads, water color, pencils, canvas, paints, pencils and much more. 

This group is for anyone interested in practicing or starting a sketchbook habit or dabbling in an art project. You'll find folks who just completed a 'Keeping a Sketchbook' class, as well as beginner to advanced artisans. All skill levels are welcome. This casual, friendly group invites you to stay for all or part of the time allotted. It is a perfect time to have fun, unwind, de-stress and create. Please bring your own materials. 

Registration is required as it helps us to plan accordingly plus we can give you a friendly reminder that you have registered for the meetup and have some time set aside JUST FOR YOU!

MORE INFO: Go to to register for events or use the data bases. You may also call us Monday-Friday from 10-8 and on Saturday from 10-3 at 603.362.5234 to register with a ‘human’. Miss a news article?  Go to to read each and every one!

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