Friday, October 23, 2020

Kimball Library News 10/26/2020

Library card renewal is underway, so please take a moment to stop by. This is done in person with proof of identification and address. If you are unable to come in right now, please call us and we can give you an extension for a month or two until you are able to come by. Not comfortable entering the building? No worries, we can view your license through our window panes near the front desk. Please make your renewal a priority so you don’t experience an interruption in services.

CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE CLUB: This is not your average story time. This is a story time where YOU get to decide what happens!

Jump on Zoom to listen to Miss Daniele read a Choose Your Own Adventure book (we'll be starting out with The Abominable Snowman) and when we're faced with a choice, the brave kiddos listening will be the ones to choose! If the group cannot decide, we'll roll some dice to discover which way we're heading. This is guaranteed to be the most exciting story time ever!

We'll aim to finish a book each month, by meeting up on Zoom once a week. This new adventure is starting in November on Mondays at 5 PM. Register grades 1-5 so you can receive the link to participate.

READER’S THEATER: Get your reading and drama practice ON! Reader’s Theater is a fun way to expand your reading and speaking skills. Join other children in grades 2-5 on Zoom Thursday, November 12th at 6:30 PM.

We have the plays and will email the script to you so you can practice your part or it could be available for pick-up. Register ASAP to get your Zoom link and a script will be prepared for you. Maybe this will be your start toward Broadway and the big world out there!

ZOOM DANCE PARTY: Bring your dancing shoes and wear your favorite outfit, then meet us on Zoom for a fun dance party! Miss Daniele will lead the dancing for a few movement exercises and fun stretches, and the rest of the party will be fun music and the space to dance your heart out with your friends online. So spread the word and join the fun!  This fun-tastic event will take place November 18th at 3:30 PM. When you register, you will receive a Zoom link so you can join the party! All ages are welcome but this dancing gig is geared for ages 2 to 6.

COMICS IN WORLD HISTORY AND CULTURE WITH MAREK BENNETT VIA ZOOM (NH HUMANITIES): Marek Bennett presents a whirlwind look at comics around the world and throughout history, through the lens of multicultural education. Bennett engages and involves the audience in an interactive discussion of several sample comics representing cultures such as: Ancient Rome, Medieval Europe, the Ancient Maya, Feudal and modern Japan, the United States in the early 20th century, and Nazi Germany during World War II. The program explores the various ways of creating and reading comics from around the world, and what these techniques tell us about the cultures in which they occur.

Please register for this event happening on November 19th at 6:30 PM. This engaging program is sponsored by the Friends of the Kimball Library and the New Hampshire Humanities.

HOLIDAY CLOSING: Please note that the Kimball Library will be closed on Wednesday, November 11th  2020 in honor of Veterans Day. Stock up accordingly. Here’s a reminder that digital streaming services such as Overdrive Downloadable Books, Kanopy, and Hoopla are open 24/7 with a current card in good standing. Happy reading, listening, and viewing!

STAY TUNED: Visit our website, FaceBook page, Twitter account, YouTube or Instagram to learn about more program updates and more resources. 

MORE INFO: Go to to use the data bases and online services. Miss a news article?  Go to to read each and every one! You may also call us Monday-Friday from 10-8 and on Saturday from 10-3 at 603.362.5234 to register for an event with a ‘human’.

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