Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Kimball Library News 8/23/21

We currently are accepting books, music, and DVDs in good condition in anticipation of the sale on September 25th.  Please be sure books are not moldy or damaged and that music and movies are playable the entire way through.  We do not accept any magazines, text books, encyclopedias, or Reader’s Digest condensed books. We are interested in book titles that are 5 years old or less.

When we receive your donation, we first sort through to see if we’d like to add any of the items to our collection.  If we don’t add the item(s) to our collection, we then decide if it is to be sold or to be transferred to a charitable organization.  Please take care to recycle your unwanted items by helping the environment and your local library.

Donations can be received during open hours from Monday-Friday (10-8) and Saturday (10-3).  If you have large amounts of materials, please call ahead so we can be sure to assist you.

Please do not leave them in our book drop or at any of our doors when we are not open. Thank you!

T/WEEN BOOK CLUB: The t/weens in the local area are pretty fabulous and know how to dive into a book and have fun pulling it apart. We typically meet on the first Wednesday of the month, and this year we are test driving a new time of 6:00 PM. Candy and conversation will be served.  We appreciate if you would register in advance so we know how much candy to have on hand! Discussions are geared for middle-high school.

The September 1st book is ‘The Selection’ by Kiera Cass. Fall in love—from the very beginning. Discover the first book in the captivating, #1 New York Times bestselling Selection series.

Prepare to be swept into a world of breathless fairy-tale romance, swoonworthy characters, glittering gowns, and fierce intrigue perfect for readers who loved Divergent, Delirium, or The Wrath & the Dawn. Books are available at the main desk so come on down and check one out. We have multiple copies set aside.

Can’t pull it together this month to read?  Sign up for next month when we are reading ‘Symptoms of Being Human’ by Jeff Garvin. There will be a lot to unpack!

THE SECRET LIVES OF THE GULL OF APPLEDORE: Gulls often elicit strong feelings. Thieving French fries at the beach and dumpster diving behind fast-food restaurants has earned them a negative reputation among humans. Most people do not know gulls have rich social lives. Pairs often stay together for many years and equally contribute to the incubation of eggs and raising hatchlings. Learn about the lives of the gulls that nest every year on Appledore Island, off the coast of southern Maine. Find out how they care for their young, how their population is doing in the Gulf of Maine, and how their individual quirks and personalities play out in the wild.

This exciting program is taking place on Thursday, September 16th at 6:00 PM. Please register via online calendar or give us a call to get you on the list. Seating is limited.

About the Presenter: Sarah Courchesne, Associate Professor and Coordinator, Biology Program Sarah Courchesne was raised in Amesbury, earned her B.A. in English at UMass-Amherst, and her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree at Tufts. She directed the Seabird Ecological Assessment Network (SEANET), a citizen science project aimed at identifying patterns and causes of seabird mortality. Formerly an adjunct instructor at North Shore Community College, she joined the faculty at NECC in 2014, teaching chemistry and biology courses. She now leads a multi-year study on the ecology of Great Black-backed Gulls on Appledore Island in Maine and is committed to creating access to field biology experiences for NECC students and members of the public. Sarah also writes a column for Merrimack Valley Magazine.

HOLIDAY CLOSING: The Library will be closed on Labor Day weekend from September 4-6 (Saturday — Monday).  Any two-day loans taken on Thursday (Sept 2) or Friday (Sept 3) won’t be due back until Tuesday (Sep 7).  STOCK UP and have a safe and happy holiday weekend. As always, our streaming platforms are open 24/7.

STAY TUNED: Visit our website, FaceBook page, Twitter account, YouTube or Instagram to learn about more program updates and more resources. 

MORE INFO: Go to https://kimballlibrary.com to use the databases and online services. Miss a news article?  Go to https://kimballlibrary.blogspot.com to read each and every one! You may also call us Monday-Friday from 10-8 and on Saturday from 10-3 at 603.362.5234 to register for an event with a live person who would love to help you.

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