Monday, December 31, 2018

Kimball Library News 12/31/18

'Araldi & Pappas, together again for the first time'. This is a limited engagement to see these two talented musicians. Friends since high school, Araldi and Pappa will be picking through their favorite songs from years gone by, songs that have special meaning to them and sure to be some of your favorites, too!  You can register right now for this event that is taking place at Kimball Library on Thursday, January 31st, at 6:30 PM.  All are welcome.

Both these musicians began playing professionally in their early teens, each playing in clubs long before they were of age to, and have seen their careers grow to where they have had the pleasure of performing for dignitaries up to the President of the United States, have performed on television, and have heard their music on the radio!

Rich Araldi's accomplishments, while seemingly more modest, have been exactly the right fit. A life of service through music has seen Rich, after a stint as a touring musician, as a church music director over the past three decades, a music educator, and over the past thirty years serving the senior community through music at a robust pace. Rich's non-profit organization 'Sammy 16' provides music for those without the means to access it.

Jim Pappas (stage name Demetrios) has enjoyed great success from being music director at the most prestigious venue in Atlantic City (where the singers and musicians he's worked with is a veritable 'who's who'), to working with the legendary 'Funk Brothers' of Motown fame on their movie (the award winning 'Standing in the Shadows of Motown') and tours, to his current position as music director for the legendary Smokey Robinson!

This musical opportunity is sponsored by Atkinson Recreation and the Friends of the Kimball Library.

SAVVY REMINDER: The Savvy Caregiver program is a 6 week training program for caregivers who care for someone with Alzheimer’s or Related Dementias. The program is facilitated by a trained Practitioner. It is based on the notion that family members who become caregivers need to be trained to assume a new role- caregiving- for which they are unprepared and untrained. The program is geared to informal caregivers of those either living at home or planning to return home, and in a moderate stage of illness.

Registration is required as this is starting up on January 10th so there is no time to delay.  This program runs for 6 weeks and we ask that participants commit to attending all 6 week sessions. The program as indicated is for active and formal caregivers and not for professionals seeking certification and license requirements. 

KINDLES: Did you know?  We have Kindles you can borrow that have over 150 titles downloaded.  Take one on your next vacation!

JAMBOREE TEEN VOLUNTEERS: Our 9th annual Jack Frost Jamboree is happening on January 26, 2019 and we are accepting TEEN volunteers on that day available from 10-3. (Register ages 13-19)
This is a great opportunity for teens to get those community services hours. You will be running games or other random tasks at our winter carnival. You must register and contact personally so she has all your pertinent information. Enthusiastic and responsible teens only, please. Parents may not apply on behalf of the youth.  Thank you in advance for letting your teens earn their hours responsibly. 

SNAP CIRCUITS: The Snap Circuits Lab will give circuit curious youth opportunity to explore and build in step-by-step fashion for approximately one hour during the months of January and February on most Tuesday evenings at 6:30.

Because the projects are arranged in order of complexity, kids can build on their skills as they progress through the manual. The lessons start out with a simple electric light and switch project that demonstrates how electricity is turned on and off with a switch. Further along, kids can put together a two-speed fan, create clap-controlled sounds, and more.

This is not a ‘free play’ activity.  Register youth in grades 2-5 only, please.  Jump on the online calendar or call.  Each date much be registered for separately.  

HOLIDAY HOURS: In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr, we will be closed on Monday, January 21, 2019.  Stock up accordingly.  Please remember that NH Downloadable Books (Overdrive), the Libby App, Hoopla, Tumblebooks, and our databases are open 24/7.

MORE INFO: Go to to register for events or use the data bases. You may also call us Monday-Friday from 10-8 and on Saturday from 10-3 at 603.362.5234 to register with a ‘human’. Miss a news article?  Go to to read each and every one!

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