Friday, January 18, 2019

Kimball Library News 1/14/19

Join us for a 3 weeks sketching series 'Keeping a Sketchbook: Drawing Your World' with Sue Anne Bottomley.  Registration is required and you must commit to all three weeks.  Class time at 10 AM on select Fridays.

Session: 1 is on Friday, February 8th, and it is a one-hour preview class that will focus on choice of sketchbook, choice of materials so they can go buy them if they wish. It is a chance to meet the instructor, Sue Anne Bottomley. In addition, Sue Anne will take the session to get to know each student and discover their individual interests and what would they like to put in the sketchbook. She will show her sketchbooks and have materials on hand for participants to try out. A worksheet will be handed out to encourage the students to start drawing at home during the week.

Session: 2 is two hour session comprised of warm up drawings, demonstration drawings by the instructor and both fun still life objects to draw. This class does not work from photos. At the end of the class, there will be time to show and share.

Session: 3 is a two hour session. In this wrap-up session, the class will continue to work on their drawings from session 2, but with more emphasis on making the drawing look finished.

Sue Anne Bottomley is a New Hampshire native. Raised in NH and Massachusetts, and an art major at the University of New Hampshire, she left the area after her college graduation to live in Washington State, Maryland, and England. After many years away from home, she returned to live in New London, NH. Her first book 'Colorful Journey: An Artist's Adventure Drawing Every Town in New Hampshire' included an illustration and some history about every town from each region of New Hampshire. In her book, 'Pep Talks for the Would-Be, Should-Be Artist' provides the inspiration you need to get up and out and start working on your art! Her newest book published in 2018 is 'A Small City by the Sea: An Artist's View of Portsmouth, New Hampshire'.

This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Kimball Library.

SNAP CIRCUITS: The Snap Circuits Lab will give circuit curious youth opportunity to explore and build in step-by-step fashion for approximately one hour.  Classes are held on the following Tuesdays at 6:30 PM: Jan 22, Jan 29, Feb 5, 19, and 26.  You may attend one or all.  Register separately for each date.

With its easy-to-follow instructions, Snap Circuits gives your child a hands-on education in how electrical circuits work to run the everyday devices that they're familiar with. They'll also gain valuable lessons in building and in following instructions. With these projects, children will experiment with things like electric switches, integrated circuits, digital circuits, fuses, and the transformation of circuit sounds into other sounds. Because the projects are arranged in order of complexity, kids can build on their skills as they progress through the manual. The lessons start out with a simple electric light and switch project that demonstrates how electricity is turned on and off with a switch. Further along, kids can put together a two-speed fan, create clap-controlled sounds, and more. This is not a 'free play' activity.
Register youth in grades 2-5 only, please.

READERS’ THEATER: LOVE to read?  Sign up for the next theater on February 14th at 6:30 PM. Come to our Readers' Theater and read from a 'script'. No worry about remembering your lines, just play the part as you read! Everyone can have a turn, share the fun and perform without costumes or props. This is a great way to practice reading out loud and help you feel like a real performer.

We're including grades 2-5 so come and join us at the theater. Please register ASAP.

'Reader's theater is a strategy that combines reading practice and performing. Its goal is to enhance students' reading skills and confidence by having them practice reading with a purpose.'

MORE INFO: Go to to register for events or use the data bases. You may also call us Monday-Friday from 10-8 and on Saturday from 10-3 at 603.362.5234 to register with a ‘human’. Miss a news article?  Go to to read each and every one!

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