Friday, March 15, 2019

Kimball Library News 3/11/19

Join us for a sketching & painting meetup starting in March on Fridays from 10:30 to 12:30. Group members choose their own medium to bring including: sketch pads, water color, pencils, canvas, paints, pencils and much more.

This group is for anyone interested in practicing or starting a sketchbook habit or dabbling in an art project. You'll find folks who just completed a 'Keeping a Sketchbook' class, as well as beginner to advanced artisans. All skill levels are welcome. Sketchbook & Art is currently scheduled through May 31st at which time a summer schedule will be determined by the group. *There will be no meetup on Friday, May 17th.

This casual, friendly group invites you to stay for all or part of the time allotted. It is a perfect time to have fun, unwind, de-stress and create. Please bring your own materials. Registration is required as it helps us to plan accordingly plus we can give you a friendly reminder that you have some time set aside JUST FOR YOU!

MARY POPPINS PARTY: Movies, Games, afternoon tea, and MORE!  Mark the date and register for this exciting event on Saturday, March 30th.  Please register for the event, even if you do not plan to stay for the entirety of the day.  

Practically perfect in every way, Mary Poppins is going to be celebrated at the Kimball Library. Young fans, new fans and old fans, bring a packed lunch and join us for a full day of movies, activities and maybe some surprises too!

Schedule of Events: 9:30 Mary Poppins (the original) movie showing.   11:45 Afternoon Tea and Snacks (bring a bagged lunch); Make Your Own Kite; The Cover is Not a Book Hunt, and Mary Poppins Music Karaoke.  12:45 Mary Poppins Returns showing. Stay for the end for a special parting surprise!
Please be aware that children under the age of 10 may not be left without adult supervision via library policy.

HOME EQUITY LINE OF CREDIT AND HOW DOES IT WORK?: Money Smart Week runs from March 30 through April 6th.  Money Smart Week® is a public awareness campaign designed to help consumers better manage their personal finances. Join us for an informative session on Home Equity Line of Credit and how it works on Monday, April 1st, from 6-8 PM.  This date and topic is NOT an April Fool’s joke!

Come to learn and find answers to questions such as: Which is better: a home equity loan or a line of credit? How do you pay back a home equity line of credit? Are home equity lines of credit a good idea? Are there closing costs on a home equity line of credit? Can one utilize the equity available in your home to finance certain items such as: home improvements or home repairs, refinance options, vacation home, college tuition and debt consolidation?

Presented by:  Pamela F. Wellington, Assistant Vice President - Senior Branch Manager Pentucket Bank and Jody Ronayne, Mortgage Loan Officer Pentucket Bank.
 Register to attend this program.  

2nd ANNUAL ‘LITERARY’ ART CONTEST:  This year’s theme is ‘Create a Character’!  Youth in grade school (Grades K-12) are encouraged to participate.

Put your creativity and reading together! Pick out any character that can be found in a book within the children's department and make a piece of artwork depicting that character. Use paper, paints, crayons, clay, markers, or any other type art medium to make your own version of the character. Work on it at home, at school, or anywhere you feel creative!  Spend hours or weeks perfecting your art work. It can be an exact copy of the book cover or your own unique take.

Submissions will be displayed in Kimball's youth department during school vacation week April 22nd through the 26th. Youth in grades K through 12 visiting the library anytime during that week will be able to vote for their favorite entries. There will also be independent judging. Prizes will be awarded with a celebratory art exhibit for all participants on Monday, April 29th from 6:00 to 7:00PM. Contestants need not be present to win, although we encourage participation.

Please register in person for this contest at the Kimball Library with your intent to compete. Card carrying youth or their caregivers may sign up any person in grades K through 12 for this contest. Children or t/weens are required to complete the artwork independently. Please submit the character name and author of the book(s) the character appears in along with your name, age with your artwork submission. Sign up and artwork submission deadline is Friday, April 19th

MORE INFO: Go to to register for events or use the data bases. You may also call us Monday-Friday from 10-8 and on Saturday from 10-3 at 603.362.5234 to register with a ‘human’. Miss a news article?  Go to to read each and every one!

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